News Items > Greater Nottingham Housing Plans

Greater Nottingham Housing Plans

Nottingham City Council, together with Broxtowe BC, Gedling BC and Rushcliffe BC are asking for public feedback on their plans for future housing in their respective areas.

They have produced a consultation plan which can be viewed here.

Pages 26 to 32 discuss new housing options. There is a map on page 30 and the consultation questions for this area are

  1. Do you prefer any of the sites at Appendix 2, and why?
  2. Should this Plan designate Safeguarded Land within the Green Belt? If so,

Appendix 2. follows later in the document and the text about Rushcliffe begins on page 96.

The Parish Council intend to provide feedback and are seeking your views. To have these included please email the Julia Barnes at


provide feedback directly at

The closing date of consultation is 14th September 2020